DIN Talks Digital Identity

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Podcast by Digital Identity Nordic Foundation

DIN Talks Digital Identity

This is an informative podcast about the future of digital identity provided to you by DIN(Digital Identity Nordic)
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02 May 2023

Solving digital identity problems is also a really hard business problem

Want to hear about thought provoking ideas around business for decentralized identity, learn alot from a well seasoned tech entrepreneur and in general just get more insights on the decentralized identity space. This is your episode



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04 March 2023

We are building digital identity sub-optimally

All this is made possible because of our sponsor Signicat - https://www.din.foundation/companies This episode introduces Lal and his earlier data and identity pains and we travers through the years of work that has gone into iGrant and Lal. We end up with some predictions and favorit identity technologies Link to iGrant: https://igrant.io/ Try their demoes: https://igrant.io/datawallet.html Get in touch with Lal: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lalchandran/ Get a transcript of the episode here: https://www.din.foundation/we-are-building-digital-identity-sub-optimally/



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14 December 2022

When is 3rd gen identity coming

What is digital identity and how does it work today? Why does it not work and why is there a big shift towards something better. This is the questions we will be answering in this episode, where we are touching upon the Nordic state of identity, unique identificators and what they are, as well talking wide and broad about the 3rd generation identity

